Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Ok, I need your help. 

I posted last Saturday about Pioneer Woman's Photography Assignments.  They are contests, and I love a good contest, but they are also "assignments".  They help me focus on something and get creative. 

Her theme this week is "Americana".  While that's appropriate for the 4th of July, I'm trying to find ways to express the theme other than flags and fireworks.  There are a few photos I have that work fairly well, but I've been cruising around town looking for more.

I said I need your help:

1)  Outside of flags and fireworks, what just screams Americana to you?

2)  Here are some of the pictures I have submitted and am contemplating submitting.  I can enter up to 5 photos.  Which do you think I should enter?

I already entered this one.  Yes, it's a flag, but I was so proud of the processing, I had to!

An old small town church
Log cabin from the Kansas prairie.  How Americana is that??

Roasting Hotdogs and Marshmellows!

Taken just yesterday - Hay Bales in a field

My new interpretation of Red, White, and Blue.
So chime in!!  What do you think I should do?


Unknown said...

I just happened on to your blog this morning and I enter her contests too sometimes.. the thing with this one is I don't know. It seems vague to be which I guess is good but, I don't know what to do either. I think probably the first one but I love the marshmallow one!


the Provident Woman said...

Those are all amazing!!! I love her assignments. But I've got to say, I've got nothing for this one.

MarieElizabeth said...

I love the campfire one and the hay bales. I think both are perfect for the theme and great shots.

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Thank you so much for your opinions ladies! I think I will submit the hay bales today, and maybe the campfire tomorrow. Although I have a few more ideas rattling around in my head. :) I think I will shoot some still-life vignettes tomorrow and see what happens.

I appreciate your input!