Monday, July 12, 2010

In Search of Rainbows

The weather yesterday was just plain strange.  It was one of those days on the plains that the storms seem to bubble up out of nowhere - the radar picture looks almost like boiling water on the stove.

I was at the pool with the girls playing with my polarizing filter (more on that later),

when I started to notice the sun was behind a cloud - and then several clouds...

I thought I heard thunder.  When I was certain, I called off the swimming and we went indoors.  We only got a few sprinkles, which made my youngest upset that we had to leave the pool....

A couple of hours later, I decided to take a drive (and went through my favorite soft-drink destination.)

As I was pulling through I saw the storm that had passed us and a rainbow... I couldn't get parked and out of the car before it was gone.

So I went driving toward the storm in search of the rainbow - and found it!

And just as the sun was beginning to set which gave the clouds the beautiful golden tint!

How fortunate was that!?!?

Much Love,


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